
The scope of School Leadership is up to us to decide...

Community Hubs
A school converts the front of house into a Community Hub, where parents can go to enjoy a coffee with friends in relaxed and informal surroundings, while there they browse through the products created by children for their enterprise curriculum  projects.  There is free coffee and wi-fi.  Two parents who have a dial-up Intenet connection at home use use the free broadband wi-fi, browsing using the school IPads that are available for use.

This Open Plan Community space features social seating areas, offers a space accessible for parents throughout the day – enables friends to meet in an informal setting inside the school, deepening the community’s relationship and connectedness with the school and provides a welcoming, community-focused atmosphere at the front of house.
  • rather than having to wait outside in all weathers for school events, parents and the community enjoy a coffee and chat in the Community Hub before taking their places in the school Hall;
  • a group of Mum’s meet together to enjoy a coffee and a chat after dropping their children off at school in the morning;
  • A member of the Leadership Team is based in the Community Hub every Thursday from 8.30am to 10.00am.  Parents are welcomed to drop in for a chat.  Every Half Term, the Leadership Team member is joined by a School Governor;
  • Grandparents drop in to browse the displays of pupils learning that is displayed in the Community Hub;
  • Parents drop in to buy school uniform that is up on display and to browse products that children have created in their curriculum enterprise topic;
  • A parent who has no Internet connection at home sits in the Community Hub enjoying a coffee.  He browses the Internet using a school IPad and free broadband wi-fi connection;
  • Informal Grandparent Open Days use the Community Hub as their base.  The group enjoys a guided tour of the school, sees their grandchildren in class and enjoys a cup of tea and cakes made by the pupils.

The space gives scope to engage with individual families and small groups in an informal atmosphere and provides a space for colleagues from other agencies to engage in non-confidential matters with families.  Informal meetings between staff and parents take place in this space. 

Narrowing the Digital Divide
Schools upgrade to a 100Mb broadband connection.  They install powerful wireless transmitters that increases the footprint of the broadband into the local community.  Pupils and parents are able to access filtered Internet using the school connection at all hours.  

Out of Hours Offer
A school in an area of high deprivation and low sports participation employs their Sports Coach from Wednesday to Sunday, giving her Monday and Tuesday off.  On Saturday and Sunday she runs a series of Sports Clubs, football and netball teams in League competitions.  School equipment, facilities, including mini-buses are used.  The confidence that children build from involvement in these clubs has a significant impact upon their school lives.  Several parents become increasingly involved with the clubs and begin to take on some of the coach and organisational responsibility. 

The school begins a Saturday morning University of the First Age.  Pupils from all of the schools in the area can access sessions, some that support towards SATs Levels 4 and 5, others that offer a fun, exciting and enjoyable pathway to accreditation and/or GCSE or equivalent.

In-house Catering
Daily hot, healthy meals are sold at cost and in some cases are subsidised.  Hot evening meals are cooked for the children who access After School Clubs.