
Investment in staff as the key driver for School improvement

The single most important factor in the success of a school is the quality of the teaching in classrooms, all day and every day.  How do we achieve a sustained and sustainable quality workforce into the long term?

A multi-school model, allied to the development of school-led Initial Teacher Training underpins sustainable, strong and long-term school development, growth and improvement.   Recruiting trainees direct into schools and determining their training enables early talent spotting and reduces the level of risk in making appointments.  An integrated induction, support and development programme for trainees and new employees brings consistency, coherence and a deep connectedness to a school's ethos and values amongst all.  Professional development opportunities in coaching, mentoring and action research are extensive and embedded.  

Development programmes for all staff at all levels exist.  Lasting networks across all schools form.  Teachers have the opportunity and privilege of observing fellow colleagues in their own and in other settings.  Teachers, recruited for their growth mindset, passion and energy, learn from the very best in the system.  Standards are judged against the very best.  Teachers in all settings teach an outstanding curriculum with outstanding resources.  The scale inherent in a multi-school model enables the retention of outstanding individuals within the organisation.  Long-term benefits from the depth of professional development that they have been enabled by are achieved.  Professional growth pathways are created, eg; a newly qualified teacher in a school moves into Subject Leadership in another of the schools and then into a Leadership role in yet another. 

There is a consistent approach taken by the leadership of the settings.  Leadership is aligned through very close collegiate working.  The whole of the Leadership Team have a stake in the success of all of the schools.  They share and compare data, standards, finances, quality of environment and quality of teaching.  Self-evaluation in each of the settings is rigorous and robust.  The Leadership Team benefits from a comprehensive training and development programme that looks to the best in the country and the world.  A cadre of exceptional School Leaders is built.