"The academic also pioneered the "granny method" to help children learn about biotechnology. Under the scheme, adults offer children encouragement and ask them to explain what they have learned, which improves their understanding. In the Indian village where the method was trialled, children's test scores rose to the equivalent of school-taught children."
“The role of the teacher (mediator) is to ask the right questions and listen to the children bragging about what they did,” Mitra says. He calls this the "Granny method" of teaching, as opposed to the 'standard' model of direct instruction. This approach is similar in philosophy to other “child-driven” methods such as the one espoused by Maria Montessori.
The best teachers ask questions. They ask children to reflect. They challenge thinking. They ask children to articulate their understanding. They ask. They ask. They ask.
They question. They question. They question.
"Encouraging is key.... saying Wow! Celebrating the learning."