Risk It
RiskIT is a NAACE campaign that encourages, empowers and supports teachers in trying something different in their use of technologies in the classroom. Essentially, it is about giving permission to try something new in a non-threatening and exploratory way, presented as "a fantastic opportunity to encourage ALL the teachers in your school to try out a new tech-based tool to enhance teaching and learning, whatever subject they are teaching."
It's a great idea.
And what about broadening this concept to the classroom, to teaching, and to learning, as a whole... a RISK IT Day... that encourages teachers to do those things, try those techniques, explore that idea that they might otherwise never do? Because...
This is how we develop teaching, learners and learning... by trying different things, by going outside of the box at times, by venturing outside of the comfort zones of day-by-day practice, by exploring and by sharing our findings together as communities of enquiry in schools.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
But could it be even better?
And is that worth exploring?
If we do what we always did, we'll get what we always got... and we run the risk of never knowing what we might have got.