"Marian Wright Edelman gave an amazingly moving speech that called on
everyone in the audience to do something to help other children beat the
odds, to lend a hand to help pull kids out of poverty, and to work
harder to shape a better world for future generations.
Her comments were truly remarkable. She said that we will fail as a
country morally and economically if we don’t work now to uplift young
people. Edelman noted that every nine seconds of every school day, a
child drops out of school and that what she called “the cradle to prison
pipeline” — where a black ten year old has a one in three chance of
ending up in prison — is creating a modern day apartheid. We cannot be a
wealthy, successful nation when 14 million of our children are living
in poverty, are going to school hungry, are sleeping on floors at night
and studying in unsafe spaces during the day. Young people cannot
flourish in life when they are not nourished with the most basic
Eli Khamarov said that 'poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.'"
reproduced from http://thefutureforum.org
Are our schools about transformation?
Are our schools about social justice?
Are our schools about transforming life chances?
Should they be?
What are our schools for?